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This Blog is created to view the clear facts about ADITYA HRUDAYAM .
Aditya means SUN GOD or SUN in the normal sense .This sunlight is coming everyday for all the organisims in Nature its natural they say in Biology . In Hindus in India they treat SUN as GOD .Hyrudayam Means HEART .
In our hearts we need feel gratitude to him the SUN . This is depicted ADITYA HRUDAYAM slokas of the SUN GOD .🔺
BackGround : Ādityahṛdayam (Sanskrit: आदित्यहृदयम्, Sanskrit pronunciation: [aːd̪ɪt̪jəhṛd̪əjəm]), is a devotional hymn associated with Aditya or the mobile Sun God (Surya) and was recited by the sage Agastya to Rāma on the battlefield before fighting the demon king Rāvana. This historic hymn starts at the beginning of the duel between Rāma and Rāvana. Agastya teaches Rāma, who is fatigued after the long battle with various warriors of Lanka, the procedure of worshiping the Sun God for strength to defeat the enemy.
These verses belong to Yuddha Kānda in the Rāmāyana as composed by Agastya and compiled by Vālmīki.
My Sincere Pranams to Sage Agastya ,Valmiki Rishi, Lord Rama , Ravana and all the people who are reading this blog .
Stanza 1:
Tato yuddhaparishraantam samare chinmayaa sthitam.
raavanam chaagrato drushtva yuddhaaya samupasthitam.1
తతో యుద్ధపరిశ్రాంతం సమరే చింతయా స్థితమ్ |
రావణం చాగ్రతో దృష్ట్వా యుద్ధాయ సముపస్థితమ్
Agasya Muni was Observing the following
Lord Rama was exhausted in the Battle Field with great sorrow and deep Thought against the Ravana situation :
Imagine the battlefield. Rama is facing Ravana. Ravana is fully prepared for the battle. He is well versed with Maya and he fights in the night with his powers going up many fold. After losing his kith and kin, he is fighting to save his honor. He is also fighting to prove a point to Sita. He wants to destroy Rama.
Rama is unable to destroy Ravana. Whatever he does, Ravana does not die. That is the situation in the battlefield. That is where this sloka comes in.
Daivataiśca samāgamya draṣṭumabhyāgato raṇam
upāgamyābravīdrāmamagastyo bhagavān ṛṣiḥ
దైవతైశ్చ సమాగమ్య ద్రష్టుమభ్యాగతో రణమ్ |
ఉపాగమ్యాబ్రవీద్రామమగస్త్యో భగవానృషిః || ౨ ||
(Agastya who was with other Gods approaches Rama and says as follows)
Daiva taisca Samagamya = Came along with the Devas to witness the war; Drastu mabhyagatoranam = Seen Rama depressed; upagamyabra-vidrama = Met him alone; Agasthyo Bhagavan = The Cosmic Rsi Agasthya.
That is when the Rishi, the Great Sage Aghastya, who has come to see the epic battle between Rama and Ravana, decided to come and speak to Rama. He had come there along with the Devas to see the battle. He had come there to see Rama win. To see Dharma becoming victorious over Adharma. However, he saw Rama depressed and tired. he decided to tell Rama the secret of how to win this epic battle.
రామ రామ మహాబాహో శృణు గుహ్యం సనాతనమ్ |
యేన సర్వానరీన్వత్స సమరే విజయిష్యసి || ౩ ||
Rāma rāma mahābāho śṛṇu guhyaṃ sanātanam
yena sarvānarīn vatsa samare vijayiṣyasi
(Sage Agastya approached Rama and spoke as follows: dear Rama there is a solution for your worry which is a perennial secret, by reciting it you would be victorious in this war).
Rama Rama Mahabaho = Addressing the elegant armed Rama; Srunu guhyam Sanatanam = Hear the most secret and ancient; Samare Vijaisyasi = Will win in the war.
Aghastya Says : Oh Rama! Oh my dear mighty armed Rama! Please listen to me. I will tell you the eternal secret of winning this epic battle. I will tell you how to win over Ravana. I will tell you the secret which will remove your depression. I will tell you the secret which will remove your tiredness. This secret will energize you...
Adityahṛdayaṃ puṇyaṃ sarvaśatruvināśanam
jayāvahaṃ japennityam akṣayyaṃ paramaṃ śivam
(This is the holy hymn Aditya Hrudayam which destroys all enemies and brings you victory and permanent happiness by chanting it always).
ఆదిత్యహృదయం పుణ్యం సర్వశత్రువినాశనమ్ |
జయావహం జపేన్నిత్యమక్షయం పరమం శివమ్
By Chanting the Aditya-Hridayam (the meditation of Sun in the heart ) which is very auspicious and highly beneficial, you will be victorious in battle. This holy hymn dedicated to the Sun-God will result in destroying all enemies and bring you victory and permanent happiness.
Aditya hrudayam punyam = The meditation of Sun in the heart highly beneficial; Sarva Satruvinasanam = Destroyer of all enemies, Jayavaham = Ensures Victory at all times; Japetnnityam = To the one who to be meditated always; Akshayam paramam sivam = The indestructible and bestows permanent happiness.
The secret is worshipping the Sun God - The Aditya. The one who meditates upon the Sun God in his heart, becomes victorious at all times. The one who always meditates upon the Sun God becomes indestructible. He becomes happy as the Sun God bestows permanent happiness to him.
arvamangalamaangalyam sarvapaapapranaashanam
Chintaashokaprashamanam aayurvardhanamuttamam .. 5
సర్వమంగళ మాంగళ్యం సర్వపాపప్రణాశనమ్ |
చింతాశోకప్రశమనం ఆయుర్వర్ధనముత్తమమ్
This supreme prayer of Sun God always gives happiness, destroys all sins, worries and increase the longevity of life
Sarva mangala mangalyam = Most favourable among the auspicious ones; Sarvapapa pranasanam = All Sins destroyed; Cinta Soka prasamanam = Removes worries and subdues sorrows; Ayurvardhanam = Enhances longevity; uttamam = the best
This stotra gives supreme happiness. This is one of the most auspicious of the stotras. The moment you meditate upon this, all your sins are destroyed. It removes all your worries. It removes all your sorrows. It gives you a long life. It gives you complete prosperity. It destroys your anguish and bestows happiness at all times.
stanz6 :
రశ్మిమంతం సముద్యంతం దేవాసురనమస్కృతమ్ |
పూజయస్వ వివస్వంతం భాస్కరం భువనేశ్వరమ్
Rashmimantam samudyantam devaasuranamaskritam .
Puujayasva vivasvantam bhaaskaram bhuvaneshvaram.. 6
Rasmi mantam = Having golden hue warm rays; Samudyantam = Rising on all sides properly and appearing well; Devasura namaskrutam = Being worshipped by Devas and Danavas; Vivasvantam = By his light encircling the lights of the solar logos; Bhaskaram = grants light to Surya, Candra, Agni; pujayasva = Fit to be worshipped, Bhuvaneswaram = Lord of the world.
Agasthya tells Rama to Worship the Sun God. He tells him to worship the one having the rays when he rises. He told him to worship the one who is held in reverence by the devas and the devatas and even the asuras. He told Rama to worship the Lord of the Universe.
Agasthhya told Rama to Worship the one by whose shining, the entire world shines.
Agastha tells Rama to see the Sun God inside his heart and worship to start with.
stanza 7 :
Sarvadevaatmako hyeshha tejasvii rashmibhaavanah .
Eshha devaasuraganaan llokaan paati gabhastibhi .. 7
సర్వదేవాత్మకో హ్యేష తేజస్వీ రశ్మిభావనః |
ఏష దేవాసురగణాన్ లోకాన్ పాతి గభస్తిభిః
Sarva devatmanah = Being the embodiment of all gods;
Tejasvi = Having the immense illumination that subdues the light of all others;
Esah = This person; Gabhastibhih = With the rays; Devasuraganan = The groups of Devas and Rakshasas; pati = head who protects.
Agasthya tells Rama about the Sun God. Sun shines all by his own brightness.
He is self luminous. He is the one who gives energy to the entire world.
Because of His energy only, the entire world is able to sustain.
He is the one who gives nourishment to all the people.
He is the one who gives energy to the entire universe.
Whether it is Devas or the Asuras, without his energy, everything will wither away.
ఏష బ్రహ్మా చ విష్ణుశ్చ శివః స్కందః ప్రజాపతిః |
మహేంద్రో ధనదః కాలో యమః సోమో హ్యపాం పతిః || ౮ ||
Eṣa brahmā ca viṣṇuśca śivaḥ skandaḥ prajāpatiḥ
mahendro dhanadaḥ kālo yamaḥ somo hyapāṃ patiḥ
Esa = He; Brahmaca = The creator; Visnusca = God of permeater; Sivah = The destroyer; Skandah = God of secretion (Kumara Svami);
Prajapatih = The lord of creation; Mahendrah = Devendra, god of Devas; Dhanadah = Kubera (the lord of wealth);
Kalah = In charge of time (Kala purusa) Yamah = Yama (God of death); Somah = Candra (Moon); Apampatih = Varuna (Rain God)
Tatpraya :
Who is this Sun God? What is He like? Agasthya tells more.
Sun God is like Brahma in that he is the creator of the entire universe.
Without his energy, there is nothing that could be created.
He is like Prajapati who is the creator.
Sun God is like Vishnu since he saves the entire world.
Only because of his light, we all get guided and we live. He is also the destroyer.
If he burns too hot, he destroys. If he does not rise, then again he destroys.
So, with action as well as inaction He can destroy if He chooses to.
In this, He is like Shiva. He is the leader of all Devas.
In this, He is like Skandah - the Kumaraswami.
He is also the other Gods, all embodied into one.
Interpretation : Sun God is going to change as LORD Shiva as destroyer if the sun is too hot .
Sun God is Brahmna at creating the Universe .Sun God --> Brahman Tatwa
Sun God is leader Prajapati
Sun God is like Lord Vishnu saves this world
Sun God is Energy Emitter light emitter for all the organisims in this planet and also for other planets .
Daivataiśca samāgamya draṣṭumabhyāgato raṇam
upāgamyābravīdrāmamagastyo bhagavān ṛṣiḥ
దైవతైశ్చ సమాగమ్య ద్రష్టుమభ్యాగతో రణమ్ |
ఉపాగమ్యాబ్రవీద్రామమగస్త్యో భగవానృషిః || ౨ ||
(Agastya who was with other Gods approaches Rama and says as follows)
Daiva taisca Samagamya = Came along with the Devas to witness the war; Drastu mabhyagatoranam = Seen Rama depressed; upagamyabra-vidrama = Met him alone; Agasthyo Bhagavan = The Cosmic Rsi Agasthya.
That is when the Rishi, the Great Sage Aghastya, who has come to see the epic battle between Rama and Ravana, decided to come and speak to Rama. He had come there along with the Devas to see the battle. He had come there to see Rama win. To see Dharma becoming victorious over Adharma. However, he saw Rama depressed and tired. he decided to tell Rama the secret of how to win this epic battle.
రామ రామ మహాబాహో శృణు గుహ్యం సనాతనమ్ |
యేన సర్వానరీన్వత్స సమరే విజయిష్యసి || ౩ ||
Rāma rāma mahābāho śṛṇu guhyaṃ sanātanam
yena sarvānarīn vatsa samare vijayiṣyasi
(Sage Agastya approached Rama and spoke as follows: dear Rama there is a solution for your worry which is a perennial secret, by reciting it you would be victorious in this war).
Rama Rama Mahabaho = Addressing the elegant armed Rama; Srunu guhyam Sanatanam = Hear the most secret and ancient; Samare Vijaisyasi = Will win in the war.
Aghastya Says : Oh Rama! Oh my dear mighty armed Rama! Please listen to me. I will tell you the eternal secret of winning this epic battle. I will tell you how to win over Ravana. I will tell you the secret which will remove your depression. I will tell you the secret which will remove your tiredness. This secret will energize you...
Adityahṛdayaṃ puṇyaṃ sarvaśatruvināśanam
jayāvahaṃ japennityam akṣayyaṃ paramaṃ śivam
(This is the holy hymn Aditya Hrudayam which destroys all enemies and brings you victory and permanent happiness by chanting it always).
ఆదిత్యహృదయం పుణ్యం సర్వశత్రువినాశనమ్ |
జయావహం జపేన్నిత్యమక్షయం పరమం శివమ్
By Chanting the Aditya-Hridayam (the meditation of Sun in the heart ) which is very auspicious and highly beneficial, you will be victorious in battle. This holy hymn dedicated to the Sun-God will result in destroying all enemies and bring you victory and permanent happiness.
Aditya hrudayam punyam = The meditation of Sun in the heart highly beneficial; Sarva Satruvinasanam = Destroyer of all enemies, Jayavaham = Ensures Victory at all times; Japetnnityam = To the one who to be meditated always; Akshayam paramam sivam = The indestructible and bestows permanent happiness.
The secret is worshipping the Sun God - The Aditya. The one who meditates upon the Sun God in his heart, becomes victorious at all times. The one who always meditates upon the Sun God becomes indestructible. He becomes happy as the Sun God bestows permanent happiness to him.
arvamangalamaangalyam sarvapaapapranaashanam
Chintaashokaprashamanam aayurvardhanamuttamam .. 5
సర్వమంగళ మాంగళ్యం సర్వపాపప్రణాశనమ్ |
చింతాశోకప్రశమనం ఆయుర్వర్ధనముత్తమమ్
This supreme prayer of Sun God always gives happiness, destroys all sins, worries and increase the longevity of life
Sarva mangala mangalyam = Most favourable among the auspicious ones; Sarvapapa pranasanam = All Sins destroyed; Cinta Soka prasamanam = Removes worries and subdues sorrows; Ayurvardhanam = Enhances longevity; uttamam = the best
This stotra gives supreme happiness. This is one of the most auspicious of the stotras. The moment you meditate upon this, all your sins are destroyed. It removes all your worries. It removes all your sorrows. It gives you a long life. It gives you complete prosperity. It destroys your anguish and bestows happiness at all times.
stanz6 :
రశ్మిమంతం సముద్యంతం దేవాసురనమస్కృతమ్ |
పూజయస్వ వివస్వంతం భాస్కరం భువనేశ్వరమ్
Rashmimantam samudyantam devaasuranamaskritam .
Puujayasva vivasvantam bhaaskaram bhuvaneshvaram.. 6
Rasmi mantam = Having golden hue warm rays; Samudyantam = Rising on all sides properly and appearing well; Devasura namaskrutam = Being worshipped by Devas and Danavas; Vivasvantam = By his light encircling the lights of the solar logos; Bhaskaram = grants light to Surya, Candra, Agni; pujayasva = Fit to be worshipped, Bhuvaneswaram = Lord of the world.
Agasthya tells Rama to Worship the Sun God. He tells him to worship the one having the rays when he rises. He told him to worship the one who is held in reverence by the devas and the devatas and even the asuras. He told Rama to worship the Lord of the Universe.
Agasthhya told Rama to Worship the one by whose shining, the entire world shines.
Agastha tells Rama to see the Sun God inside his heart and worship to start with.
stanza 7 :
Sarvadevaatmako hyeshha tejasvii rashmibhaavanah .
Eshha devaasuraganaan llokaan paati gabhastibhi .. 7
సర్వదేవాత్మకో హ్యేష తేజస్వీ రశ్మిభావనః |
ఏష దేవాసురగణాన్ లోకాన్ పాతి గభస్తిభిః
Sarva devatmanah = Being the embodiment of all gods;
Tejasvi = Having the immense illumination that subdues the light of all others;
Esah = This person; Gabhastibhih = With the rays; Devasuraganan = The groups of Devas and Rakshasas; pati = head who protects.
Agasthya tells Rama about the Sun God. Sun shines all by his own brightness.
He is self luminous. He is the one who gives energy to the entire world.
Because of His energy only, the entire world is able to sustain.
He is the one who gives nourishment to all the people.
He is the one who gives energy to the entire universe.
Whether it is Devas or the Asuras, without his energy, everything will wither away.
ఏష బ్రహ్మా చ విష్ణుశ్చ శివః స్కందః ప్రజాపతిః |
మహేంద్రో ధనదః కాలో యమః సోమో హ్యపాం పతిః || ౮ ||
Eṣa brahmā ca viṣṇuśca śivaḥ skandaḥ prajāpatiḥ
mahendro dhanadaḥ kālo yamaḥ somo hyapāṃ patiḥ
Esa = He; Brahmaca = The creator; Visnusca = God of permeater; Sivah = The destroyer; Skandah = God of secretion (Kumara Svami);
Prajapatih = The lord of creation; Mahendrah = Devendra, god of Devas; Dhanadah = Kubera (the lord of wealth);
Kalah = In charge of time (Kala purusa) Yamah = Yama (God of death); Somah = Candra (Moon); Apampatih = Varuna (Rain God)
Tatpraya :
Who is this Sun God? What is He like? Agasthya tells more.
Sun God is like Brahma in that he is the creator of the entire universe.
Without his energy, there is nothing that could be created.
He is like Prajapati who is the creator.
Sun God is like Vishnu since he saves the entire world.
Only because of his light, we all get guided and we live. He is also the destroyer.
If he burns too hot, he destroys. If he does not rise, then again he destroys.
So, with action as well as inaction He can destroy if He chooses to.
In this, He is like Shiva. He is the leader of all Devas.
In this, He is like Skandah - the Kumaraswami.
He is also the other Gods, all embodied into one.
Interpretation : Sun God is going to change as LORD Shiva as destroyer if the sun is too hot .
Sun God is Brahmna at creating the Universe .Sun God --> Brahman Tatwa
Sun God is leader Prajapati
Sun God is like Lord Vishnu saves this world
Sun God is Energy Emitter light emitter for all the organisims in this planet and also for other planets .
పితరో వసవః సాధ్యా హ్యశ్వినౌ మరుతో మనుః |
వాయుర్వహ్నిః ప్రజాప్రాణ ఋతుకర్తా ప్రభాకరః
Pitaro vasavaḥ sādhyā hyaśvinau maruto manuḥ
vāyurvahniḥ prajāprāṇa ṛtukartā prabhākaraḥ
Pitarah =Lord of Reproduction (pitru Devas) Vasavah = The eight Vasus;
Sadhyah = The twelve Sadhyas (In charge of manifestation)l Asvinou = Two Asvini Kumars;
Marutah = Groups of Martas (who vibrates); Manuh = Vaiva svata manu; Vayuh = Air;
Vahnih = Fire; Praja pranah = The bestower of life to people;
Rutu karta = The ordainer of the seasons like vasanta, saradrutu etc.;
Prabhakarah = bestows fame and name i.e. Aditya.
Only because Sun is there, are there the seasons.
Only because of Sun, there is life and hence He is Ashwinikumaras,
who give back one's life. Sun God is the one who vibrates.
He is the one who gives life and hence is also the air.
He is the one who gives energy and hence He is also the fire.
He gives life to people and hence he is the one who is the orginator of life - Prajapati.
He is the one who gives the fame and fortune to people.
ఆదిత్యః సవితా సూర్యః ఖగః పూషా గభస్తిమాన్ |
సువర్ణసదృశో భానుర్హిరణ్యరేతా దివాకరః
adityah savitaa suuryah khagah puushhaa gabhastimaan .
Suvarnasadrsho bhaanur vishvaretaa divaakarah .. 10
Aditah = Son of Aditi, Savita = Surya; Suryah = Inspirer of senses; Khagah = Identified his way in Logos; Pusa = The nourisher;
Gabhastiman = possessor of rays,
suvarna Sadrusah = Having golden hue;
Hemaretah = Having the fertility as golden light;
Divakarah = The bestower of day light.
Surya, the Sun God, is the son of Aditi.
He is the creator of the universe.
Without his light, without his heat, without his shine, there is no life in this universe.
He is the one who creates action in the whole of the universe.
He travels across the seven heavens.
He is the one who sustains all life.
The plants depend on him.
The animals depend on the plants.
The men and women depend on plants and animals for their sustenance.
He illuminates all the directions.
Without his illumination, life will not even begin in the world.
Unless he comes in his charrot with the
golden brilliance all around and marks the day's beginning,
life cannot begin.
హరిదశ్వః సహస్రార్చిః సప్తసప్తిర్మరీచిమాన్ |
తిమిరోన్మథనః శంభుస్త్వష్టా మార్తాండ అంశుమాన్ || ౧౧ ||
Haridashvah sahasraarchih saptasaptirmariichimaan..
Timironmathanah shambhustvashhtaa maartandam anshumaan... 11
Haridasvah = Having green horses;
Sahasracih = Having thousand rays;
Sapa Saptih = possessing seven horses drawn with chariot;
Mariciman = Vibrating with his rays;
Timiron mathah = Dispeller of darkness (ignorance);
Sambhuh = Giver of happiness; Tvasta = makes all forms dwindle;
Martandah = Born from the shape of lifeless egg (perishable nature);
Amsuman = Having radiating rays.
He is present everywhere.
His shine and light pervades all the universe.
He comes on a seven horse drawn chariot, where the horses are green.
His thousand rays illuminate all the directions.
He dispels darkness, he bestows brightness.
He also bestows happiness.
He also bestows prosperity and well being.
In essence, He is the one who gives life.
హిరణ్యగర్భః శిశిరస్తపనో భాస్కరో రవిః |
అగ్నిగర్భోఽదితేః పుత్రః శంఖః శిశిరనాశనః
Hiranyagarbhah shishirastapano bhaaskaro ravih .
Agnigarbhoaditeh putrah shankha shishiranaashanah 12
Hiranya garbhah = With golden womb;
Sisirah = cooled one; Tapanah = Making one tremble;
Bhaskarah = The illuminator;
Ravih = The creator (Ravi);
Agni garbhah = Having the Conch;
Sisiranasanah = Destroyer of snow fall and fog.
(He has green horses (green is a symbol of victory). He has thousands of rays (infinite),
he is dispeller of darkness. He has seven horses (symbol of seven lokas).
He removes sufferings and gives a pleasant life.
He pervades all with immeasurable amount of rays).
He is not just the Sun God.
He is the trinity.
He is from the golden womb of Adhithi.
He destroys the snow and the fog.
Not only the fog as in foggy day but also the fog of lack of knowledge and lack of wisdom.
He is the one who bestows wisdom to people.